Powershell to export all data of onprem sharePoint (SP2010/2013) site or site collection in one go.
Run that below Powershell in SharePoint Management studio on SP Onprem server(SP 2010/2013)
Note -
Make sure having sufficient space in C drive,exported data resides in C:\temp
If not having sufficient space in C drive,You can change the location for exported data.
Stop-Transcript | out-null
$ErrorActionPreference = "Continue"
$OutputFileLocation = "C:\temp\DocLib.csv"
Start-Transcript -path $OutputFileLocation -append
$LogFilePath = "C:\temp\ErrorLog.log"
$DATE = get-date
Function exportDocLib($siteurl){
#Get site collection details
#$s = Get-SPSite http://stockxchange.stockland.com.au
#Get all web sites in the site collections
#$wc = $siteurl.AllWebs | ?{$_.url -like "*" + $subsiteName + "*"}
$wc = $siteurl.AllWebs
foreach($web in $wc)
#loopthrouh the lists and libraries in the site
#Write-Host "Iterating Site " $web.Url
foreach($list in $web.Lists)
#Check for only document libraries
#if($list.BaseTemplate -eq "DocumentLibrary")
Write-Host $list.Title"(Web: "$web.Title")--(webname:"$web.Name")"
Write-Host "source path is :" $srcpath
Write-Host 'Checking InternalName is:' $list.Url
$path = $list.Url.Substring(36)
Write-Host "library path is: " $path
Write-Host "New itempath is ::::::"$itempath
Write-Host "Export Location filepath is:" $filepath
Export-SPWeb -Identity $srcpath -ItemUrl $itempath -Path $filepath -NoFileCompression -IncludeVersions "All"
Write-Host "Error occured while Exporting List and Libraries. See log file for more details."
$format= "==================================================================================================="
$format | out-file $LogFilePath -append
$Date | out-file $LogFilePath -append
"Error occured while Exporting List and Libraries. See log file for more details." | out-file $LogFilePath -append
"Site Collection URL: "+$siteurl |out-file $LogFilePath -append
"List Title: "+$list.Title | out-file $LogFilePath -append
$("Error caught: " + $_.Exception.GetType().FullName) | out-file $LogFilePath -append
$("Error caught: " + $_.Exception.Message) | out-file $LogFilePath -append
$format | out-file $LogFilePath -append
Function export($web){
foreach($list in $web.Lists){
$format= "==================================================================================================="
$format | out-file $LogFilePath -append
$Date | out-file $LogFilePath -append
Write-Host "ListName:::" $list.Title
Write-Host "sourcepath is ::::::" $srcpath
Write-Host 'Checking InternalName is: ' $list.Url
$path = $list.Url.Substring(36)
Write-Host "library path is:" $path
Write-Host "New itempath is ::::::"$itempath
Write-Host "Export Location filepath is:" $filepath
Export-SPWeb -Identity $srcpath -ItemUrl $itempath -Path $filepath -NoFileCompression -IncludeVersions "All"
Write-Host "Error occured while Exporting List and Libraries. See log file for more details."
$format= "==================================================================================================="
$format | out-file $LogFilePath -append
$Date | out-file $LogFilePath -append
"Error occured while Exporting List and Libraries. See log file for more details." | out-file $LogFilePath -append
"Site URL: "+$web |out-file $LogFilePath -append
"List Title: "+$list.Title | out-file $LogFilePath -append
$("Error caught: " + $_.Exception.GetType().FullName) | out-file $LogFilePath -append
$("Error caught: " + $_.Exception.Message) | out-file $LogFilePath -append
$format | out-file $LogFilePath -append
$inputsiteurl= Read-Host -Prompt 'Input your sitecollection or site url here'
$siteurl=Get-SPSite $inputsiteurl -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable err
if($siteurl -eq $Null)
$weburl=Get-SPWeb $inputsiteurl
Write-Host "spweb is" $weburl
export $weburl
Write-Host "spsite is" $siteurl
exportDocLib $siteurl
#$subsiteName = Read-Host - Prompt 'Input Sub Site URL'
Very helpful script. Thanks for that. I just had to change $list.Url to $list.Rootfolder.Url for a SharePoint 2013 Export. After that change it worked perfect!
ReplyDeleteBest Regards
Thank you Chris